Caterpillers, Moths and Butterflies

For the reader that has found this journal I say Greetings. These pages contain my thoughts and feelings, but be warned I am a fairly private person and so you may come from reading this more confused than you started. I am called Reiki ~There no truer believer than a convert.~


Here is another story, or possibly a sermon depending on who reads it.
There was once a man whose faith was strong and unshakable. He was deeply devoted and firmly believed the old saying "God will provide".
In the man's life it seemed to hold true. If he prayed his problems seemed to ease.
It came to pass that a great rain fell upon the valley where he lived and soon it began to flood.
the man's faith was unshakable as always and he prayed for relief.
He was interrupted by a knock on the door. He answered it to find his nearest neighbor standing there.
“Greetings Neighbor. This rain does not seem like its going to let up, we must leave before we drown. Come friend I have room in my cart for whatever possessions you wish to take with you. Gather what you need and we will go to higher ground.”
The man shook his head “No I have prayed. And I am sure that God will provide” and shut the door. He went to the table to read his religious scrolls and soon the water began to sep in from under the door. The man but on his wade boots so to keep his feet dry. And moved his books and other perishables to higher shelves. When the water reached about ankle deep there was another knock on the door. This time the man was greeted by the local constable. “hello” he said with a smile. “I’ve been gathering up all of those people who either had no transportation. Or were unable to leave on there own” he pointed at the war carriage behind him being pulled by four great Clydesdale stallions . “but these horses can transport an armory for 50 solders so they are plenty strong enough to slog through this water. Come lets go and get to higher ground.”
One again the man refused “I have faith that God will provide”
The constable nodded “well I hope you are right” and left.
The rains continued throughout the day and into the night and soon the man was the man had to move to the second floor of his cottage. As he gather some blankets to take off the chill there came a knock on his window. Curious he opened it and there standing on a flat bottomed barge was a solder .
“Come on” the solder bellowed. “we’re picking up the last of the solder that were setting up sandbags and we say the light in your window.”
The man waved his hand “God will provide!”
“Well, I’m not going to risk my men’s safety to force you to come with us. Good luck to you”
The water kept rising and soon the man had no place to go but the roof. The rain stopped as the storm broke. The man could see a dot floating words him.. It was a hot air balloon. IT lowered close to the water and as it drifted within earshot the man heard someone call out to him
“Hullo! I see you didn’t get out in time! Your in luck! I have a rope and you are welcome to ride with me!”
The man refused and the person in the balloon did not argue and simply floated away.
Soon the rains returned again and the man, having nowhere else to go, drowned.
As the light of heaven warmed his soul his approached the thrown of God and shouted angrily “what happened? I was faithful. I prayed an worshiped you! Why did I die?!?!”
God voice answered “the human body was not designed to breath in water. Therefore you drowned.”
“I know that!”
“Then why did you ask?”
“ I meant to say that I was always taught that what ever the adversity if I was faithful and prayed God would provide! I prayed and you didn’t!”
God let out a chuckle ”didn’t provide?” God shook his head in disbelief. “I provided you with a friend to walk with. I provided you with a coach pulled by strong horses. I provide you with a boat full of solders. I even provided you with a balloon! What more could you have wanted?”



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today I have met not just one but Three interesting people..But I get ahead of myself I suppose. First an explanation of the whys and hows are in order
first comes some sad news he girl that ran the coffee cart that I was so fond of died last night. The details are unimportant and I shall keep my own council as to the events that followed. However I learned that I am the executor of her will. This is a stress for me to say the least, but I shall do the best I can.
I went to the library soon after finding out this news..Mainly to gain insite into the concept of death. Possibly to offer word of comfort to those who may ask about her.
at the library I met a young lady who seems to enjoy art as much as I. We have made arrangement to go eat tonight, she suggested a diner she knows of. I hope there is no romantic trappings, I am not good at that sort of thing.
I came home to find a man waiting for me. He is a Barrester, and he is handling kathleen's will. I have decided to have her cremated it seems the most efficient and I have a wonderful idea as to where to spread her ashes..Or rather where to bury them..But that is for another time.
I must bathe and get ready for my evening with Rhiannon.
I do look forward to tonight..I shall share my incites when I return.


It occurs to me that there are some storys and parables that have been lost to this world. i will write what i remember here and will tell what i can to the children, for they are truly the future. they are capable of change, no matter what thier origins are.

The North Wind and the Sun
one day the north wind and the sun were having an discution as to who was the most powerful.
"i can uproot trees! i can move mountains!" blustered Wind
"ahh but i can make those trees grow." said the Sun
it was then that Wind spied a man walking alot the road below. "i'll make you a wager Sun, we'll see who can make that man take off his coat. Whoever succeeds is the most powerful."
"i see..." but before the sun could say another word the wind starded to blow battering and abusing the poor man below. but no matter how hard Wind blew the man clutched his coat tighter around him.
Soon Wind blew himself out an Sun stepped up for his turn.
Sun smiled warmly at the man his love warming the man's bones. Soon the man started to sweat and took off his jacket as he walked along the road.
Sun had won. His love and kindness proved to be more powerful than Wind's force and cruelty.


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I have just had a fairly jarring experience. I was take to see none other than Mataron, the voice of the One. He told me things I already knew about myself ..But also unlocked memories I never knew I had.
He also said that my Love was an illusion. That I didn't really betray anyone. Whatever the truth to the fact of my Love's existence there is one part of that statement with which I vehemently disagree.
My Love was real to me when I betrayed the Cause, and therefore my actions are true.
however I have learned it is useless to argue with Avatars of any type.
I pledged myself to the Cause of the One, something I thought I had already done.
something else bothers me ... I was left in mid air to fall, like a fledgling pushed from a nest. As I fell I knew I could easily escape...Something I had done before..I know I have but I can't remember what it is. Its like something is blocking my knowledges. Possibly it is the One? Maybe I was to fall and learn to fly at such a height as a lesson in humility?
I don't respond very well to such attempts. I find it offensive at best that someone thought I should be tested. I am Honourable I have never lied, not even before...But I suppose rituals are important.
I was granted a vision I have yet to completely understand, a fleet (or possible a flock? Ha ha) of black winged angels.
A word came to me as I viewed the Angels ... "Thanos" I'm not sure why it came to me perhaps I will go to the library ..And actually go inside this time..And research some of the older texts.



I have told Dretta everything and she seemed to take it rather well. It is in her nature to be open minded I guess. I'm sure this why she was chosen to be Arch. In this day and age, in this environment she needs to deal with all kinds, no matter whether they are good, evil or indifferent.
on another note I have have acquired a new painting in a rather unusual way. I rescued it from the fire at the gallery, it and a few others. I found the owner of the gallery and apologized that I couldn't save more. I left abruptly., as I have never been one for platitudes , but once I came back home...There it was she had sent it to me as a "thank you". At first I had to turn it facing the wall because the eyes disturbed me, but now..Well for now it will stay in my closet until I decide what to ultimately do with it



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I sit here in this room that was given to me wondering about what to do next.
It seems that I indeed belong here as I have been accepted as one of their own.
I have made a decision..I shall tell Dretta of my history. She seems to be very open minded.
The other one ..Merc I think was his name, I'm not so sure. I had heard so many things about angels...Though it seems the stories I heard were exaggerated. I have yet to see any of them actually kill anyone or set them aflame.